Alexander Beard (USA) Inc. USA Client Fees.
Client agrees to pay Advisor the following fees:
Our typical fee schedule applicable as of this Brochure is as follows:
Portfolio Management Fees:
Client AssetsAnnual Fee (%) for all assets
On the first $250,000 1.5%
On the next $250,001 – 500,000 1.25%
On the next $500,001 – or more .75%
All other fees may be negotiated by the client.
Alexander Beard (USA) Inc. generally requires a minimum account of $100,000 to open a portfolio.
Alexander Beard (USA), Inc. USA Client Fees for UK Investment Clients.
Client agrees to pay Advisor the following fees:
Initial/Setup Fees (UK)
Initial/setup fees will be charged to each client based upon the complexity of their portfolio(s).
UK pension transfer clients fees(minimum £100,000)
AMVEST Initial set up fee tiered:
The first £100,000 @ 3%
The next £100,001 to £250,000 @ 2%
Any amount above £250,001 @ 1%
AMVEST Annual Fee:
1% per annum
Sippchoice Trustees Annual Fee:
Flat fee £570 per annum
Defined Benefit Transfer service:
Flat fee £1,500
UK pension transfer clients refer to British citizens living in the US who transfer their pensions.
All other fees may be negotiated by the client.
Alexander Beard (USA) Inc. generally requires a minimum account of $100,000 to open a portfolio.
Advisor’s fees for each subsequent month or calendar quarter during the term of this agreement shall be due and payable at the end of each month or following quarter. Fees shall be deducted at the discretion of the client as described in Addendum A.
If this agreement is terminated as of any day other than the last day of the month or at the last day of a calendar quarter or the effective date is any day other than the first day of a month or calendar quarter, where applicable, Advisor’s fees shall be prorated to reflect the number of days in such calendar quarter that this agreement will be or was in effect. In the case that this agreement is terminated as of any day other than the last day of the month or calendar quarter, Advisor shall reimburse Client by an amount equal to the difference between (a) the fees previously paid to Advisor for such month or calendar quarter and (b) the fees Advisor is entitled to retain pursuant to this paragraph.
ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT Alexander Beard USA, inc. as of 6/30/2020 to $40,300,000.00
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Client Fees - Form ADV Part 2A Brochure - Client Relationship Summary
Alexander Beard (USA) Inc. is a registered investment advisor with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").We are a member of Alexander Beard Group of Companies Limited. Registered in England No. 2144184. Copyright 2020 Alexander Beard Group of Companies Limited - International Financial & Emigration Services Organisation - All Rights Reserved.