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A new academic year is starting, but are you looking after your health whilst studying overseas?

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

There is so much to look forward to when studying overseas; for some it may be their first time away from home, or for others a continuation of their big adventure, either of which bring the excitement of travel, meeting new people, learning about new places and cultures.

Of course, there is also the reason for being there – the academic year, which can sound a long time at the beginning, but to most, passes all too quickly.

The last thing you would want to worry about is how to get appropriate medical care should the need arise. Being unwell away from home can add additional worry or complexity – no more so than for parents back at home.

That’s where a Student International Health plan can help.

A Student International Health plan is designed for students of any nationality living, working or studying outside of their home country as part of their college or university course.

It could help to provide quick access for diagnosis and medical treatment, so the student can focus on their studies and enjoy making memories during their time abroad.

This is a specialist area of insurance and we only work with long standing Insurers with a track record in this area to give our clients, or their families, extra peace of mind.

If you would like to know how we can help, please contact or

Lesley Stevens

Client Services Director - International Retirement Planning Alexander Beard Global Services Ltd


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